August 31, 2003

A Desperate Fling

So here I was working on paper, thinking of how to enter the next painting.

It was something about coming in from the side. The left side. I was looking at a Twonbly painting, digging how the clouds of color spook in from the left, with his sgraffito marks puctuating spots to the right.

I was squirting paint into lines that I flatten into ribbons, making rings... and screeding over it from the left again in a way that empties the field. I was hoping to move the action to the center that way, screeding and editing my way over.

But it was a mess.

So I scraped it off... and I decided to keep it on the drywall knife I use (for the "screeds" mentioned before). Then, I went into it again with ochre, and a few monads ,my term for the spiky balls. It wa about then I decided to tack from the ochre to a blackened purple and layed that down as a sheet over the majority of the paper.

Then, I flung the wad scraped previously. I knda liked it.

Who was the Greek who flung his rag at the canvas in frustration (thus painting clouds serendipitiously)? Does any one know?

Posted by Dennis at August 31, 2003 10:52 PM

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