This is our backyard, early Spring 2003.
Here it is today:
Here's another shot.
We've got our hands full here.
1. Chainsaw, hoes, rakes, shovels, pruners, handsaws, gloves, hats, boots, many phone calls to tree trimming services, many calls not returned... this yard needs two big moves: the big eucalypti on the east ridge get sculpted radically ($) and I get to hardcore prune the rest of the yard (can't hire this job out, I don't trust anyone else to do it correctly) while hired trash haulers move the debris off the the property.
2. The house finally gets a new wood floor. We've got a crack contractor on the job, she's like lightning, so professional. The bathroom needs something like tile and new fixtures (sink and toilet)... I might do this (to save $)... how hard can tiling be? I'll find out soon.
3. Studio: the place is tiny. But it is in a community I treasure. I figure that I can deal with it but again, the work to prep the place is nearly monumental. I've got to pull down a drop ceiling (easy) and a Alfred Jarry style half floor (Do you know the story of where Jarry lived? Very funny. And then there's a shaping of a service block (bathroom,utility sink,a place to store stuff, a place to have a table for an office of sorts.). Lots of work there too.
It is all on the borderline of ""Is it worth it?". Dirty work at first. Lots of debris, more trash hauling.
The clincher: this studio is the same price as my last one in Chinatown, but at a third of the size. LA is crazy expensive, real estate wise.
Posted by Dennis at September 20, 2005 11:29 PM
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