My gallery has published a press release:
La Galer?a Miguel Marcos presenta la primera exposici?n individual en
Espa?a del artista Dennis Hollingsworth. La muestra se inaugura el
pr?ximo jueves 28 de septiembre de 2006 a las 20.00h:
CONSTELACIONESDel 28 de septiembre al 10 noviembre de 2006
Dennis Hollingsworth (Los Angeles 1956), presenta desde el d?a 28 y
hasta el 10 de noviembre la exposici?n con obra reciente e in?dita
Constelaciones.Licenciado en Arquitectura por la Universidad de California, Dennis
Hollingsworth pertenece a ese grupo de pintores expresionistas que
emergieron en Los Angeles en la d?cada de los 90. Desde 2004 su obra
pertenece a la colecci?n de uno de sus museos m?s importantes de la
ciudad, el Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA).Reconocido internacionalmente con numerosas exposiciones en lugares como
Tokyo, 2004 Tomio Koyama Gallery; Cologne, 2004 Buchman Gallerie; Tur?n,
2000 The Box; Londres, 2002 Londodn Institute of Art; o Basel,
Kunstahalle Basel; Dennis Hollingsworth presentar? en la Galer?a Miguel
Marcos su primera exposici?n en Espa?a.En su obra, Dennis Hollingsworth utiliza la pintura como algo f?sico y
mat?rico, como un elemento constructivo. El artista utiliza la t?cnica
alla prima, sin correciones ni capas, pintando contra el tiempo de
secado. Sus trabajos son a la vez construcciones intuitivas y met?dicas:
por un lado son impulsivos con todas esas gotas y salpicaduras cargadas
de energ?a, pero por otro ofrecen una composici?n planeada de manchas de
color.Galer?a Miguel Marcos
Para m?s informaci?n o im?genes, por favor contactar con la galer?a en
el 93.319.26.27 o via email:
Here is my response to the gallery when the topic of the show's title came up:
In the recent show in New York, I have considered using "" as a title, an indication of the oeuvre as self portrait and the blog as the indexical pointer toward that portrait.? But I was persuaded to reconsider, the argument being that a refernece to a blog might seem too cheeky.? I'm still not sure.??From 1996 to 2003, I was plunging pretty deeply into amateur astronomy, also known as backyard astronomy, a better name. My involvement was light enough but deep enough for me to buy an 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and binoculars. I learned the night sky, the stories in the constellations both zodiacal and (north) polar. I had sky charts and a small library, especially a catalog of Messier objects that was a favorite. What I learned about backyard astronomy was all I needed was an expensive set of image stabilized binocs (on my wish list still, I have a good pair of night vision binocs but image stabilizers will prevent the heartbeat vibration from blurring the view ) and aRecently, a friend mentioned a word "Sidereal" in Castellano a response in viewing the paintings and this word has surfaced in my mind many times since then.? The meaning I take from it:??
1. Of, relating to, or concerned with the stars or constellations; stellar.
2. Measured or determined by means of the apparent daily motion of the stars: sidereal time.Another alternative is "Constellations" a title which is an indication of how we organize meaning from natural phenomena, another way to interpret what I am doing with paint.? I have long been interested in amateur astronomy and learning the night sky.? My forays into snorkeling recently can be another form of it as in a regard for the observations of nature.
All of these concepts organize a multitude into images, a connecting of dots or blogposts to divine a pattern, an enlargement of the imagination that I think is central to art, an implied direction from the finite to the infinite and therefore a further implied critique and reversal of what seems to be current and perennial malaise we manifest when we want to foreclose and fix meaning.
You can look up at the sky and see Sagittarius but know that you can see other things up there too. What makes great art great is the ability of every generation to see their own Sagittarius in the spray of stars that is art.
Regarding backyard astronomy, it is still an abiding concern even though it has become a variable star for me. The cool thing is that like blogging, backyard astronomy has a serious potential as realized by those who have been tracking and discovering new asteroids in the night sky. I recommend this site from the estimable Sky and Telescope Magazine as a good starting point for those budding backyard astronomers out there. This month is a good start with the early night view of Sagittarius, a constellation rich in Messier objects (a catalog of deep sky sights such as star clusters, nebula, and galaxies. Along the axis of the Milky Way, the feature Sagittarius A marks also the galactic center and the position of the black hole that anchors us all in place along the spiral arm of our galaxy.
Posted by Dennis at September 12, 2006 6:25 AM
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