February 7, 2007

A Crossroads of Time and Desire

Is there a neural locus for the artistic impulse?

...lesions in the frontal insula can wipe out the ability to appreciate the emotional content of music.
This NYTimes article didn't connect this newly appreciated region of the brain to art per se, but why not? The scientists however, are getting more precise:
The second major modification to the insula is a type of cell found in only humans, great apes, whales and possibly elephants, Dr. Allman said. Humans have by far the greatest number of these cells, which are called VENs, short forVon Economo neurons. VENs are large cigar-shaped cells tapered at each end, and they are found exclusively in the frontal insula and anterior cingulate cortex.
How do you connect the idea of economy to art?
Occam's Razor?
Exactly what VENs are doing within this critical circuit is not yet known, Dr. Allman said. But they are in the catbird seat for turning feelings and emotions into actions and intentions.
Ok, maybe these are NeoExpressionist neurons.

(Image source)

Posted by Dennis at February 7, 2007 9:48 AM

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