March 17, 2007

Installing Paper Bombs

Bart talks about Paper Bombs, the final night of the install. He is explaining to Annie the selection of artists (pointing to the announcement taped to the door) as a partial collaboration with his friend artist Todd Ledford*, who now lives in New York. Todd recommended several artists he knows, many from Brooklyn, of which Bart selected five.

Annie is a brilliant polymath (she speaks ancient Greek and Latin and she has recently completed a residency for sustainable agriculture in Italy) and significant other of Matt Chambers a.k.a. Trudi Gallery, who is having an opening featuring Drew Hetzler's video, a project that is an extension of an installation Drew concurrently created at Angstrom Gallery, in Culver City. The first close up in the video is of matt's drawings, a study for a script and movie he is crafting at the moment.

A club girl appears at the door and asks for a cigarette, everyone is charming. Then I tour the rest of the show, trying to maintain the patience to slow down and settle in on the walls long enough so you, the viewer won't get nauseous. You can see my stacked vertical monotypes at around the last 15 seconds of the video.

*UPDATE: Todd sent in a note:


hey this is Bart's new york friend Todd

my name is actually Todd Ledford.. think you refer to me as "Todd Bouret" or some such on the last post -- fix it if u have chance so my parents will then believe i'm actually doing something with my life.. wish i could have attended the opening - sounds like it went really well,,.


Dear Mister and Miss Ledford: Your son is doing great work and my friend Bart Exposito, who is an accomplished and widely recognised painter in Los Angeles, speaks very highly of your son as very talented artist.
Sincerely (and without irony), Dennis Hollingsworth

Posted by Dennis at March 17, 2007 6:25 AM

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