August 4, 2007

Kiko and Joan

When the studio permits, I take my lunch with Kiko at Joan Pol's restaurant near Codolar Cove. Joan And Kiko have been planning a fishing trip ever since I got here in June. Joan has made his own "palanca", a fishing rig that promises to lay out 500 batied hooks on a line that we will suspend over a rock outcropping somewhere out into sea, far enough to see the lighthouses at Cap Tossa and Barcelona at the same time.

That's far.

We'll be out past midnight to lay out the line and we should return by sunrise. JUST LIKE REAL SAILORS DO. Yea. Like back in the day. Except my ship was a 500 foot long nuclear powered cruiser.

I wonder if I'll get green along the way? The date has been moved ahead for weeks now. Next Monday is the currently planned date.

Posted by Dennis at August 4, 2007 1:34 PM

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