August 5, 2008

Some Drawings

So I took my gear up to the guest room on the top floor and set a table up facing the terrace with its' view of Cap Tossa with the lighthouse and trees and foreground of pueblo architecture. A big plate of ink, a couple of brushes and let everything go.

I've got a Frank Auerbach catalogue in the studio (written by Robert Hughes, very good), that must be the culprit here. I marvel at his work, the edge he has with representation, how it drives him to draft and redraft as each gaze delivers different information and a different attack on the canvas. His use of brushes is something I should learn more about. A brush can deliver a mass of paint in a scumble, skipping and leveling and describing all the while. It has the capacity of playing in the middle ground, a zone I have neglected in favor of the extents of thick and thin. It?s been a while.

The recent blogpost Toquen a Correr was influenced by images of Auerbach's process, drawing and redrawing as he grinds the image into place. I just flipped the pages instead.

It must have been my recent visits to the Picasso Museum in Barcelona that first prompted thoughts of figuration, so I dusted off an old favorite figural theme of mine: the leafblower...






And for all you purist abstractionsits out there: relajate, tio.


I'm just trying to break the egg, yo.

Posted by Dennis at August 5, 2008 3:38 AM

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