April 6, 2011

Meanwhile, at the Dallas Art Fair...

My gallery in Los Angeles, Michael Kohn Gallery, is participating in the Dallas Art Fair this year. This fair has a great reputation, so I hear. The previous years were pretty good due to the organizer's ability to bring in the VIP collectors, curators and museum people. My theory is that the key to hosting an art fair depends on inviting the VIP's and treating them like VIP's. Once that's done, everything and everyone will follow. It looks like this is what's happening in Texas.

The painting peeking from behind the Will Cotton is titled "t = r x F", the physics formula for torque, torque equals rotation times force. The title was divined from a blogpost created on or about the time of the creation of the painting. The post was about the apparent difference between our two political parties (Democrats & Republicans) in the USA, and how I believe we are all ultimately united as long as we all have faith in an imagined political center. I related this idea of torque to a kind of pictorial force that drives a composition via the interaction of pictorial elements, each of which have distinctive differences and grind each other through points of contact and juxtaposition. Pictorial harmony comes from a similar agreement in an imagined center, (that vision thing) negotiated in the making of the piece.

Posted by Dennis at April 6, 2011 4:01 PM

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