December 2, 2011

Los vientos del monstruo en el sur de California

Para mis amigos que viven en Espa?a y Jap?n, aqu? algunas noticias de Los Angeles. Hemos tenido vientos incre?ble en el ?ltimo par de noches. No hab?a un sistema de presi?n alta clima de la costa de Alaska y otro sistema de baja presi?n en Arizona y la corriente en chorro curvado alrededor de los dos para crear un tobog?n de viento que cay? con una velocidad de hasta y tal vez m?s 120 millas por hora (120 es el l?mite de la capacidad de medici?n del equipo del cient?fico). Los ?rboles cayeron por toda la ciudad, muchos de ellos cayeron sobre las l?neas de energ?a y electricidad ha permanecido cortada durante miles de residentes todav?a en este momento. ?rbol del vecino de eucalipto cay? con estr?pito tremendo, fue creciendo a la orilla de nuestras propiedades y que cay? sobre la propiedad de su vecino del otro y en otro en el otro lado. Usted puede ver el contexto m?s amplio debajo de la tapa.

Las sirenas de emergencia se o?a todo el d?a en toda la ciudad, especialmente cerca de Pasadena y Glendale. T?cnicos de energ?a el?ctrica y los equipos de limpieza han estado trabajando horas extras desde que comenzara el evento. La fuerza del viento despojado ramas y las hojas de la vegetaci?n y las calles se amontonaban en los lugares con montones de hojas, ramas, hojas de palma y hojas. A medida que conduce a la autopista, las pilas de madera reci?n cortada reflejan el esfuerzo de respuesta a emergencias.

Un ?rbol cay? frente al estudio, as?, derribar la l?nea de alimentaci?n, privando a las viviendas cercanas y los equipos y trabajaron en el problema durante 24 horas hasta que se resolvi?. Fue otro d?a de fiesta de desastre para Los Angeles, un eco de terremotos, incendios, inundaciones y la ca?da ocasional de la estrella de Hollywood.





(Note: I led this post with translations in order to connect better with my Spanish and Japanese audience, via the power of Google Translate. This is a modest experiment and an effort to paint a picture of life here in my context, something I think that I do badly while I am in Los Angeles, save the LA DriveBy posts. There is a life that could be more vividly painted between my studio interior and the overall city, but such a forest of confidences that so difficult to parse, that it is best to err in discretion.)

For my friends who live in Spain and Japan, here is some news from Los Angeles. We have had terrific winds over the last couple of nights. There was a high pressure weather system off the coast of Alaska and another low pressure system over Arizona and the jet stream curled around both to create a toboggan of wind that fell with speeds of up to and perhaps over 120 miles per hour (120 is the limit of the measuring capacity of the scientist's equipment). Trees fell all over the city, many of them fell over power lines and power has been out for thousands of residents still at this time. Our neighbor's eucalyptus tree fell with a tremendous crash, it was growing at the edge of our properties and it fell across our other neighbor's property and into another one on the other side.

Emergency sirens could be heard all day across the city, especially nearby Pasadena and Glendale. Electrical power technicians and clean up crews have been working overtime since the event began. The force of the wind stripped dead limbs and leaves from the vegetation and the streets were heaped in places with piles of leaves, branches, palm leaves and husks. As you drive the freeway, stacks of recently cut wood reflect the emergency response effort.

A tree fell in front of the studio as well, tearing down the power line, depriving nearby homes and and crews worked on the problem for 24 hours until it was resolved. It was another disaster holiday for Los Angeles, an echo of earthquake, fire, flooding and the occasional fallen Hollywood star.

Posted by Dennis at December 2, 2011 11:48 AM

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