November 11, 2023

Caché of the dare


Caché of the dare
18" x 12"
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas over Wood Panel


Posted by Dennis at November 11, 2023 2:34 PM

1 Comment

Been following your work over the years, both you and Jan Dawson whom you might remember from Truxtun days, both turned into accomplished artists in your own rights.

hopefully somewhere there's a compendium of all of your work out there, in chronological format.

Anyway it's been eons, I became world famous in my own way and have tons of radio shows posted on Bitchute and Rumble, even made it onto John B. Wells; "Caravan To Midnight" Ep. 139, I think if my memory serves me correctly. I heard you were in Spain but came back to this nightmare here albeit Spain has degenerated to something akin to what this hellhole has turned into. I closed out my career after my brief stint at E.A.L. as a B-727 second officer before they folded up, and in 2016 drove heavy trucks interstate for C.R. England, SWIFT, and Gordon's Trucking before finishing up doing Aircraft Certifications for IFR/RVSM (jets mostly) in Oregon. Anyway I didn't know if you remember painting; "Tiger In The Rain" on the laundry locker on Truxtun?? Now deceased mutual friends, Tom Lawson, Chris Colchin and of course, Mike Holguin (recent) are all in photos of O.I. Berthing which we shared. I think Pete Groen is gone as are so many others. My own little chunk of E. Washington that I bought in 2022 here is right on Rte 12 (Pomeroy) which I call 'Portmeirion' albeit I don't have the Penny-Farthing bicycle emblem on my front door window yet. My last show is somewhat prophetic about what we are all heading into, but in any case I had told a lot of stories about the 'gang' there in O.I. Berthing. I suspect we are amongst the few surviving crewmen. Anyway pop me a note if you actually read this and it'd be a pleasure to chat with you by phone. I kept my portland phone number but won't post it here but you're welcome to ask for it. Hope you are doing well, old friend.


Dennis Cimino
EW1, former Truxtun shipmate

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