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Matching entries from Dennis Hollingsworth

Painting Towards Paradise

Below the fold, my second try at an intro to painting in California. (First one here) A total fail. After passing 1400 words, I abruptly stopped. Auto-critique: I'm trying to cram too many ideas (it all seems so relevant!)...

Thinking Aloud

Art Treats Death

While listening to The Partially Examined Life podcast, Episode 164: Dostoyevsky's "The Idiot", , the (part one and part two), I thought about this Spring's intramural controversies involving what I call lane crossing in the realms of politically charged...

Talk with Doug Melini at 11R

Last Sunday, November 6th, 11R (Eleven Rivington Gallery) hosted a talk with Douglas Melini on the occasion of his exhibition YOU HAVE TO PEER INTO THE SKY TO SEE THE STARS: ARTISTS IN CONVERSATION: DOUGLAS MELINI, BRIAN ALFRED & DANIEL...


Talking to friends here about the history of Tossa, I was told of a particular character by the name of Xoxa (pronounced Shosha, the x can be used as an sh or ch in various ways). Xoxa was a...

Donnie in NYC

My brother Donnie dropped in last month for a visit, it was great to see him again and wonderful that he had another bite of the Big Apple. Writer, poet, philosophy major, ceramicist, there was a lot that NYC...

Malevich's Turn

In blogposts such as The Kasimir Malevich Spectrum and "Where there is freedom, there is happiness.", I puzzle over the sudden bloom of avant guard in revolutionary Russia at the beginning of the turn of the 20th century, how...

Ajo y Agua

2. Ajo y Agua My Filipino grandfather, Pacifico Garcia, known to us in the family as Papang, would say: "Lean like a tree in the direction that you would like to fall." Later in life, I learned that this...

Negating  Negation, Embracing "Negation"

Episode 120: A History of "Will" with Guest Eva Brann (Part One) The philosophy podcast The Partially Examined Life is absolutely wonderful. This episode had me riveted. We discuss Un-Willing: An Inquiry into the Rise of Will's Power and an...

Friends visiting Tossa

Dan and Natalia Hug toasting a fine night out to dinner (son Nikolai asleep in the carriage, off screen)....

Culmination and Denial (Painting Beyond Pollock)

Consider, if you will, the two bookends of this interview with Morgan Falconer about the publication of his new book, Painting Beyond Pollock. To start off, I have to ask you: why Pollock? Why not painting beyond Newman? Or...

Spain: The Opening week for "Immanence"

I streamed reports of my recent travel to Spain via Facebook first before this weblog. I wanted my FB audience to be informed of what had happened during and around my opening at Miguel Marcos Gallery... I suppose that since...

For Papa Smurf

This quotation is featured at the top of the Armory on Park's postcard emailer for Paul McCarthy's White Snow exhibition in the Upper East Side: "My work seems to be about tearing down and opening up conventions. My responsibility...

Artist, Soldier (part1)

Preface: Artist, Soldier I grew up within the military but I came of age in the art world. It all seemed perfectly natural to me until I emerged from graduate school. Most of the people that I've met in...

Artist, Soldier (part 2)

Artist, Soldier There were times where I've heard one or two of my artist pals refer to San Diego in disparaging terms: "That place is scary, all that military stuff there." or something to this effect. I made sure to...

how slender is the margin

Source, Via Stephanie and I are safe and sound where we are, high and dry. A brief walk around the block this morning revealed broken tree branches, lots of leaves blown off the treees and some debris scattered in...


The distinction between art and life blurs sometimes in the land of milk and honey... ...which in this case became a pretext for joy, which in turn became a pretext for revenge, which in turn became a pretext for...

I?aki Lacosta's Space Hub

Tomorrow night, I'll be attending the opening of a good friend, I?aki Lacosta at espacio art space in Santa Monica. I?aki is a polymath from Zaragoza, Spain and one of the other hats he wears is the owner of...

Advice to a Young Artist

Recently, I had discovered a half brother, born to my father in a subsequent mariage. It's a huge and epic story, wonderful, and crushingly sad in that we had both lost a father together before we had an opportunity...

The Full Story.

The Mountain from TSO Photography on Vimeo. This video expresses some of the feelings I have had during our snorkel excursions here off Cap Tossa. (Check out the backstory, there's a Spanish angle to it, by the way.) While swimming,...

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