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Matching entries from Dennis Hollingsworth

AIRCAT 2019: Festivities in Tossa

Since the mission of the residency is to bring contemporary art to Tossa de Mar, it's best to conduct the program at the height of the summer festivities in the Catalan seaside town. It's best this way to allow the...

Que Domingo

What a fabulous Sunday it was yesterday! Fideuà for lunch at Ramon and Asumpta's house... finding the full page article that Alexandre Roa Casellas wrote about me in the Sunday edition of Diario de Girona... and capping the night...

Friends visiting Tossa

Gerry Smulevich and his daughter Natalie at Codolar Cove with Stephanie (right), Gerry playing his guitar in two exposures for Nacho and Leslie Arnó at their terrace overlooking the muralla....

Spain: The Opening week for "Immanence"

I streamed reports of my recent travel to Spain via Facebook first before this weblog. I wanted my FB audience to be informed of what had happened during and around my opening at Miguel Marcos Gallery... I suppose that since...

Sean Cassidy

(To the left, Nacho, Berta and Leslie.)...

EU Travel Notes

I've scribbled out a few notes about my recent travels. It's going to be a hive of mistakes, but then blogging is an archive of first drafts by its nature, isn't it?...

On the Tablecloth of a Good Dinner

My friend Nacho has mentioned me in his website, ATTACK motorcycles:Everything begins on the tablecloth of a good dinner. In a warm night of the month of June, I discussed one night with a good friend, he is an...

Foto Shop

This summer has been tricky getting constant access to an internet connection. My usual pit stop is Hamed's internet cafe nearby, but that is the kind of thing that is good for checking the mail and surfing the news,...

Nacho on TV

Nacho has been making TV spots featuring various motor bike accessories, he's becoming a lifestyle guru. It's great to see your friends grow....


Here are some quick notes before I board the plane: -How was ARCO? Good. It was my first time there, so I can only compare it to the other fairs. It is physically about three times bigger than Miami,...

Nacho Over the Sea

Night Dive Round Cap Tossa

Earlier in the day, Kiko suggested that we go out for a night snorkel. Cool. We've done it before and I was looking forward to it again this summer. Young Alberto was interested to do it too, but he...

Nacho Below the Sea

Nacho Baja Mar

Mala Mar

This image is a tribute to Phil Wagner, who, when told that I had bought an Olympus "Mu" digital camera --one that is capable of shooting pictures below the sea without a special housing-- Phil responded: "Just don't shoot...

Toquen A Correr

Every year, Tossa de Mar hosts a strange event where people skip arm in arm through the streets to sardana music. According to my friend, Alberto Barcia, the legend involves a young lad who is tasked to buy vinegar-wine...

Henry, Maite and Nymphs

As I met up with Henry Taylor in Tossa de Mar, we dropped into Kiko Noguera's place, the famed "casa de abuela". As the evening eased into the wee hours, Henry picked up a pencil and sketched Nacho's sister...

Admin: Please Stand By

You can hold your breath, I'll be back real soon. (Image: Nacho Under Sea)...

Snorkel Report

Last week was crowning achievement in the snorkel life here in Tossa: three night dives once every other night, three nights hunting for dinner. I shopped for tridents at the local dive shops but all I could find were...

Kiko's House

After the two visits to Barcelona, I got a chance to catch up with Kiko, Nacho, family and friends....

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