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Matching entries from Dennis Hollingsworth

Inertia Variation XXXV

Kevin O'Sullivan's Pharmakos is evolving into video clips via YouTube. Congratulations, Kevin!...


PHARMACY Presents ?VARIOUS SMALL FIRES? Short Plays and Text Performances Thursday March 15, 8:00 The Mountain 473 Gin Ling Way Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 625-7500 10:23" written by joseph goodrich, directed by wes walker with: gray palmer ?unreliable...

Antiepithalamium 1

Kevin O'Sullivan sent me the the first effort of Pharmakos Film, Pharmacy stalwart John Tottenham's on-camera rendition of Antiepithalamium 1. Pharmacy has been producing short dramas on the second floor of the Mountain bar, and now with YouTube, they...

Mutiny in Heaven

This reminds me of the time when Monkey jumped into heaven and raided the trees bearing fruit that had the power to endow one with immortality. After gorging on the sacred fruit, Lao Tzu was dispatched to apprehend the...


Tomorrow Night, make a date for short plays at the second floor of the Mountain Bar: PHARMACY presents: SNAKEPIT BREAKDOWN @ The Mountain THURSDAY MARCH 16, 8:00 Short Plays by: Wes Walker Sharon Yablon Kevin O'Sullivan...


PHARMACY presents: SNAKEPIT BREAKDOWN @ The Mountain THURSDAY MARCH 16, 8:00 Short Plays by: Wesley Walker Sharon Yablon Kevin O?Sullivan...

Idiot Joy Showland

My old friend Kevin O'Sullivan has pulled together a little micro theater scene here in ChinaTown. I searched and found a PDF: PHARMACY PRESENTS IDIOT JOY SHOWLAND SHORT PLAYS by Wes Walker Sharon Yablon Kevin O?Sullivan Jacqueline Wright SHORT...

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